Funding 4 Heroes

kate stier


kate stier

Signed up November 4, 2014

Christine Ludwig is my sister-in-law. She is the mom to Max (11) and Aiden (7). Chris is on family leave to take care of Aiden and be at his bedside as often as possible, as well as be there for Maxwell.

Aiden has AML (Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia) and has been battling cancer since his diagnosis Oct. 29, 2007. He has gone into remission twice but the third time he was given a time frame. He has beat the odds so far but is slipping. He sleeps a lot now and the physicians are keeping him as pain free as possible. He is at DuPont.

Aiden had his list of fun things he wanted to do this year and with the help and love of our friends he has gone to Disney; met with his favorite Phillies baseball player, Carlos Ruiz; gone to Hershey Park; slept at the Beach; and became a fireman.

He loves his firemen brothers and sisters. For his 7th birthday, he wanted a Mexican Fiesta party with all the fixings, baseball and a baseball team made up of the WTFD firemen. It was the best day.

We love our nephew very much and all funds will go towards his final cost. We want our sister to be able to give Aiden the best while taking care of Maxwell. She has been a great mom and we want to help ease her load. Thank you.

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Fire & Rescue Campaigns

Aiden Riebel #No One Fights Alone

by kate stier
Honorary Firefighter Aiden Riebel #NoOneFightsAlone
66% $3,300 Funded
Funded Contributed Dec 23, 2014