Funding 4 Heroes

LEO In Need of Liver Donor as well as Help with Medications keeping him Alive

A campaign by Carol Orazem

  • $704
    Raised of $20,000
  • 16
  • 0
    seconds left
3 %
This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Carol Orazem
1 campaigns, 1 contributions
LEO In Need of Liver Donor as well as Help with Medications keeping him Alive

Retired NYPD Police Officer Yan Kochergrin was diagnosed with Wilson's Disease soon after graduating the Police Academy. Wilson's disease is a Rare, Genetic Liver Disease. He was put off the job medically after only 5 years. Yan needs medications to keep him alive while he awaits a Liver Donor. He has been hospitalized multiple times to have fluids drained and treatments for his liver. He experiences arm and hand tremors, speech problems, confusion and low platelet count. He is a husband and father of a 3 year old little boy.

Please help out a fellow LEO who is in need

Yan and his family have been searching for a Liver Donor. Unfortunately they have not found a match yet. A donor must be:
Between 18 and 60
Blood Type O+/-
Similar Physical Characteristics 6'0, approx 180 lbs.